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ProfitTrailBlaizers is the world’s leading trading and mining platform that allows people to grow their portfolio and financial experience.

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Why ProfitTrailBlaizers ?

The Blockchain is a decentralized, digital ledger of transactions that are recorded confirmed

Live Trading

Trade wide range of markets on our platform. Benefit from low fees, fast order execution, and advanced features to increase your profitability.

24/7 Support

We provide unbeatable support service through ticket system and email to cater your needs and give a professional, fast and effective response

Copy Trading

Copy the moves of other investors. Find investors you believe in and replicate their actions in real time.

Worldwide Coverage

Millions of traders from all over the world trust ProfitTrailBlaizers. The platform interface is localized into 12 languages.

South Africa

Forex, Crypto and Beyond

Discover hundreds of assets across multiple categories

Shiba Inu

Daily Mining Outputs

Returns made from either trading or mining transactions will be added to your account daily and automatically.

State of the Art Mining

Productivity is a top notch quality for any investment. So, for every trade action or blockchain mining algorithm that we offer, we’re providing some of the highest performing systems and softwares that exist

Diverse Mining Portfolio

Choose from a wide range of target assets for trading and over 10 major mining algorithms that cut across 4 mineable cryptocurrencies.

Hardware is already running

Don’t wrestle with rig assembly and hot, noisy miners at home. We have the fastest bitcoin mining hardware running for you already.

Intuitive Dashboard

All the financial instruments data and charts that you need, when you need them.

Secure and Private

We value the privacy of our users, so we strive to keep collected user data to a minimum level.

What is Bitcoin Mining?


Unlike paper money, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are produced mathematically and held digitally. The people who voluntarily offer their computing power to secure these cryptocurrency networks are called miners. Cryptocurrencies don’t have a central government or other so-called ‘middlemen’ that decide about the future of the system.

As miners, we are processing and verifying the transactions of the cryptocurrency ecosystems and keeping their public transaction history (blockchains) maintained and secure. For this, the mining community is rewarded with the networks’ transaction fees and newly created coins.

Bitcoin 42771
Ethereum 2246.63
Binance Coin 300
Cosmos 12.184


    What is a trading platform?
It is an online platform where traders track the quotes of different kinds of assets and make trades using the services provided by a broker.
    The Platform Doesn’t Load
Try opening it in some other browser. We recommend using the latest Google Chrome. The system will not let you log in to the trading platform if your location is blacklisted. Perhaps, there is an unexpected technical problem. Our support consultants will help you solve it.
    When Will Deposits Be Credited
The funds are usually credited to trading accounts fast, but sometimes it can take from 2 to 5 business days (depending on your payment provider.) If the money has not been credited to your account right after you make a deposit, please wait for 1 hour. If after 1 hour there is still no money, please wait and check again.
    Do I Need to Install Any Trading Software?
You can trade on our online platform in the web version right after you create an account. There is no need to install new software.
    What Should I Do If a System Error Occurs?
When system errors occurs, we recommend clearing your cache and cookies. You should also make sure you are using the latest version of the web browser. If you take these actions but the error still occurs, contact our support team.
    What are bonuses?
Bonus is the money the company provides to a client for trading. Traders don't lose their own funds when they lose a bonus. On the other hand, in case of success, they pocket the profit gained from using bonus funds.
    Trading and Quote Sessions
A quote session is a period when the platform receives and transmits quotes. However, one can make trades within a slightly shorter trading session, which is part of a quote session. As a rule, a quote session starts 5-10 minutes earlier and ends 5-10 minutes later than the trading session. This is meant to protect traders from the risk of high volatility at the beginning and the end of the quote session. For example, a quote session for Apple shares starts at 13:30 GMT (US Summer Time) and ends at 20:00. A trading session for Apple shares starts with a five-minute delay, i.e. at 13:35. And it ends at 19:55, which is 5 minutes before the quote session ends.
    Why Doesn’t a Trade Open Instantly?
It takes a few seconds to get data from the servers of our liquidity providers. As a rule, the process of opening a new trade takes up to 4 seconds.
    How Can I View the History of My Trades?
All information about your recent trades is available in the “Trades” section. You can access the history of all your trades through the section with the same name as your user account.
    What Is the Most Active Time of Day for Trading?
Trading activity depends on the working hours of major exchanges and increases at the time of important news releases. The most active trading sessions are European and North American ones. The European session begins at around 6:00 UTC and closes at 15:00 UTC. The North American trading session spans from 13:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC. Please note that some currency pairs and assets are available for trading for a limited period of time. The trading hours for each asset are specified in the “Trading Conditions” tab of the “Asset” menu.
    How does Bitcoin mining work
It’s quick and very easy! As soon as we receive your payment your contract will be added to your profile, and you can immediately start mining. Depending on the blockchain algorithm you select and the associated mining service agreement you enter into, you can either mine native cryptocurrencies directly or allocate your hashpower to other cryptocurrencies (marked with AUTO), and even choose a specific allocation for them. For example: 60% LTC, 20% BTC and 20% DOGE. The first mining output is released after 48 hours, and then a daily mining output will follow..
    Are you mining for yourself?
Besides the fact that we ourselves mine with the very same hardware that we offer to our clients, our capital is limited. We believe that Bitcoin and Altcoin mining is one of the best ways to receive Cryptocurrencies, however, we do not want to “put all our eggs in one basket”.
    Where is your mining farm located?
For security reasons, we do not disclose the exact location of our mining farms. As of April 2015, we are operating several mining farms that are located in Europe, America and Asia. Electricity cost and availability of cooling are important, but not the only criteria. See our Datacenters page for more information.
    What coins I mine with each algorithm?
You are able to mine Bitcoin and various altcoins directly via our mining allocation page*. The availability of cryptocurrencies you can mine depends on the contract you have chosen. You must allocate your hashpower in order to determine the cryptocurrency received for your mining output. If no allocation has been made, the mining output will default to the following for the given blockchain algorithm: SHA-256 contract - Bitcoin Ethash contract - Ethereum (*) “ProfitTrailBlaizers Advanced Allocation” (special feature): It allows you to get mining outputs in many different coins even if they are not mined directly by a certain algorithm. For example, you can get mining outputs in BTC while mining with an X11 algorithm! That is possible by mining the DASH coin directly, which is then automatically swapped to BTC by our algorithmic framework. The Allocation function is designed for customers to receive delivery of their mining results in their preferred cryptocurrency. We call it “mining BTC the smart way”. The same technique is also used to get mining results in LTC with a SHA-256 contract, etc.
    How do your ether contracts work?
When you purchase an Ether mining contract, you buy a share of a GPU (“graphics processing unit“) to mine Ethereum. The hashing algorithm used to mine Ether is called Ethash (or Dagger-Hashimoto). Ethash requires the so called DAG file in order to perform the calculations. This file grows over time, which means that more operations for each hashing operation need to be performed. This means that the effective hashrate decreases a little each time the DAG file grows. This has to be considered when comparing the theoretical output of your hashpower. Online calculators do not take this into account. Also, please keep in mind that some of our products have a maintenance fee attached.
    What are the expected returns?
Bitcoin and altcoin mining depends highly on the prices and network difficulties of the Cryptocurrencies that you are mining, which cannot be predicted. It would not “look right” if we would provide data on the mining performance and sell contracts at the same time. Therefore, we recommend all our clients to do their own research and do their own performance calculation. For example, you might want to have a look at coinwarz.com. Remember that some of our products have a daily maintenance fee which must be deducted from the daily mining rewards. Please note that the website is an independent source of reference and not related to ProfitTrailBlaizers in any manner.
    Which pools are you using for mining?
We do not publish a list of pools we are using. Our main criteria for a good pool are: reliability, fee structure and reject rate. Going forward we will solo-mine a few coins (and pass the fee savings to our users!). Our internal policy is: “be a good crypto citizen”. This means, that we will at least use two different pools (in some cases we use up to four) for each coin. This is to preserve the decentralized nature of the crypto networks! If we become aware that a pool is getting close to 50% share, we will switch away from it and use a backup instead.
    Isn't buying hardware cheaper?
On the first glance one might think that buying miner X is slightly cheaper than hosted mining. However, there are a number of “hidden” costs related to purchasing and maintaining a miner that change the economics significantly: Shipping costs: few merchants will cover this, but in most cases they will charge you extra. Customs dues / VAT: if it is an international delivery you will likely have to pay customs dues and VAT; generally this has a huge impact on the total cost of your mining equipment. Delivery time: when you pay for your device you have to wait until the miner is packaged and shipped; if it is held up in the customs this can take weeks. And during that time you cannot mine at all (“opportunity costs”). You have to wait and hope. And if the merchant has a stock shortage; it is you who has to wait. WithProfitTrailBlaizers you pay and get your hashpower immediately online. No delays! Costs for additional equipment: when buying miners from larger retailers you often have to buy additional equipment like an extra PSU that matches the electricity specs for your country, control units and specific shelves to store them efficiently. This adds up significantly to the overall price for hashpower. Setting the system up: when the device finally arrived you have to assemble and configure it. Beginners often underestimate the amount of work and technical knowledge that is needed to bring the device up and optimize its settings. People that used the first ASICs spend days and weeks on it. In monetary terms this costs you twice: (i) your time and (ii) lost mining opportunity. Maintenance: hardware failures, outages and crashes could lead to downtimes between seconds and weeks. If your unit breaks you have to return it and start from scratch (by the way: check the guarantee time of your miner; it is often less than a year). With ProfitTrailBlaizers you have a guaranteed uptime of 100%: in case one of your units fails another unit will be switched over and start mining for you the very same second. Electricity: having the machines at home not only brings heat and noise, but also an increase of your electricity bill; an important factor that many underestimate. Please do not get us wrong: we do not want to discourage anyone from mining at home! We are often asked about prices and realized that many users do not know about all the hidden costs. If you compare the true costs, you will notice that our prices are very competitive. We want to provide you the best possible mining experience, so that you can focus on mining your favorite coins (and we take care of the rest).
    What is the maintenance fee?
Some of our products have a maintenance fee attached. The maintenance fee covers all costs related to mining including, inter alia: electricity cost cooling maintenance work hosting services The fee is fixed in USD but deducted from the daily mining rewards in the natively mined coin on a daily basis.
    How can I mine different coins at the same time?
ProfitTrailBlaizers allows its clients to mine different types of coins at the same time. You decide which coins you prefer and you can allocate hashpower accordingly. Each mining algorithm is set up with a default delivery cryptocurrency. The ProfitTrailBlaizers Advanced Auto-Allocation (in short “AUTO”) will apply to all cryptocurrencies which cannot be mined directly. In the user interface go to “Mining Allocation” and choose the hashpower allocation that is best for you. When you are done press “save allocation”. Remember that the cryptocurrencies marked with (AUTO) are not directly mined, as mentioned in the “What coins can I mine?” section of this Customer Service page. In order to get the mining output, please ensure to add your wallet address(es) to your ProfitTrailBlaizers profile. Find out more details about how to add your wallet(s) in the next section.
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